funny facebook statuses

That awkward moment when you tell your friends something that you find funny and they just day ok :)
That awkward moment when you think someones talking to you but there actually not :P
crying cause my sister ripped the head off my barbie doll
I tend to say "I dont know" when im just too lazy to think.
The awkward moment when you reach in to hug an attractive person only to bump into the mirror.
"Did u just fall?" "No, i attacked the floor" " Backwards???" "I`m freaking talented"
i don`t wanna be rude,but don`t buy barbie and ken`s clothes if you look like f**king ursula !
theres no other pain like the one who breaks ur heart</3
people tell me in rock,paper,scissors, paper beats rock...oh yea? well then ill throw a rock at them and lets see how well they can defend themselves with paper.
I hate it when someone apologizes for talking to much. They`re just talking even more.

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