funny facebook statuses

Single = Being in a relationship with everyone
The awkward moment is when the creator can`t control the creation.
Nothing defines a culture as distinctly as its language, and the element of language that best encapsulates a society`s values and beliefs is its proverbs.
(LMS)if... Wait i have a life.
That Awkward Moment When You Say "I Love You But There Isn`t A Respond.
If at first you don`t succeed, then maybe losing is your style. lol
That awkward moment when you miss a high five.
I was at the ATM the other day, and an elderly lady approached, and asked me to help check her balance.

so i pushed her. ;)
Awkwardly Walking into a bathroom full of 7 year old`s 0-0
“I look so ugly” Then why did you upload 120 pictures in an album called… “Me?

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