Sharing thoughts statuses

Mom: "All you do is sit on that computer all day!" Me: "Lies. I sit on the chair."
Just because I`m not talking, doesn`t mean I`m in a bad mood. Sometimes I just like to be quiet
Sometimes you just miss the memories, not the person.
Never forget your friends when you`re in a relationship.
Waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to work out if it was a dream or not ... #confused
A babysitter is a teenager acting like an adult, while the adults are out acting like teenagers
Who else used to only jump on certain tiles in the store because the other ones were made of lava
People who say all water tastes the same are full of shit.
My two moods include hungry and ugly.
A person`s character is like a coin u can see one side at a time

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