Sharing thoughts statuses

I miss when I was little I didn`t care about my weight, clothes, or hair I just did what made me happy.
so i was posting a funny poem to my sister about my aunt on her facebook wall and forgot my aunt was on her friends list..oops
I hate when someone`s about to tell you something then they say "nevermind." I mean no, you brought it up, now you have to say it..
Don`t be the prisoner of your past,be the architect of your future!!
Dear paranoid people who check behind their shower curtains for murderers, If you do find one...what`s your plan?
After an argument, I always think of awesome things I could have said..
I don`t just sing in the shower... I perform.
Biggest lie I tell myself: "I don`t need to write that down, I`ll remember it."
Teenagers: The most misunderstood people on earth, treated like children and expected to act like adults.
No, I don’t have anything to hide. I just don’t like people looking through my phone.

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