Sharing thoughts statuses

I don`t think you could ever forget someone that once was the reason you smiled.
ppl who laugh so hard at their own jokes that they can’t even finish the joke because they’re laughing so hard r my favorite kind of people
Sometimes I wish I could read your mind. Then, I wonder if I could handle the truth.
I hate when someone`s about to tell you something then they say "nevermind." I mean no, you brought it up, now you have to say it.
Don`t assume my tweets are about you. But if you’re affected by them, then that obviously means you’re guilty of something.
Trust me, as you get to know me, I just get weirder.
wearing an oversized shirt and no pants is probably the most comfortable thing in life
people need to understand that I`m joking 99.9% of the time
do u ever lay in bed and get really sad about ur favorite person because theyre not in the bed with u
Most people have "Ah-Ha!" Moments. ...I have "Ah Fuck." Moments.

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