Sharing thoughts statuses

do your eyes ever randomly go out of focus and then you are too lazy to focus them back in and just stare at nothing for a while? :)
I don`t care what anyone says, money does buy happiness
me: better check my phone for texts from friends
me: *checks phone*
me: better get some friends
My mind tells me to give up.but my heart won`t let me.
I`d say about 60% of the stories I tell go unfinished cause either someone cuts me off or I stop talking cause I realize no one is listening
I`m not really boring, I just have no motivation for conversation with your lame ass
Just a side note- be careful what you apologize for. I found myself apologizing too much for no reason. Don`t be sorry for being yourself
Friends are like orgasms... nobody wants the fake ones.
Do you ever just rub your eyes so hard that you just start entering some other fucking galaxy of swirls and patterns
"Text me when you get home so i know you’re safe" kinda people are the people I wanna be around.

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