Sharing thoughts statuses

You should always be yourself. Unless you discover you`re an asshole, son.
I really wish my money would have unprotected sex in my wallet and multiply.
I think the creepiest thing in the world is what society has done to the word “daddy”
My mother + my father - condom = the most amazing human being alive.
Don`t you wish people were like money, you could just hold them up to the sun and see which ones are real and which ones are fake..
So many friendships end with “we just stopped talking.”
"Clean your room, guests are coming over." Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize the gathering would be held in my bedroom.
I HAVE TO wet my toothbrush, put the toothpaste on, then rewet my toothbrush in order for me to brush my teeth.
Normal people laugh: Hehe *cute smile*...
Me laughing: HAHAHAHAHAHA *claps hands like retarded seal".
That one person you see EVERYWHERE, but don`t know their name.

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