Clever facebook statuses

`You really love him/her, don`t you?` It`s a psychological question, no name was mentioned but still, someone came into your mind!
Your time is limited, so don`t waste it living someone else`s life.
There lies a lion in every heart
Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don’t even deserve to be an issue in your life.
Too many people go through life waiting for things to happen instead of making them happen.
That moment when you say, "Just kidding"..... But you`re actually dead serious.
Don`t date someone your friends have dated, even if they say it`s alright. There are seven billion people in this world; find someone else.
If you`re going to be original, be prepared to be copied.
Nigga`s be wearing $100 Jeans, $250 Belts, $200 Shoes, And a $70 Shirt. Just to Impress a girl who`s wearing $10 Leggings.
The best way to make people remember you?
Borrow money from them.

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